Install A Transmission Temperature Gauge To Help Prevent Transmission Overheating Problems


You've most likely heard before that transmission overheating should be avoided at all costs. Well, this is true. Overheating is the beginning of all problems as far as transmission units are concerned, whether automatic or manual. An overheating transmission could lead to serious trouble such as gear slippage and transmission failure. One of the things you could do to avoid this is to install a transmission temperature gauge. Read on to learn more.

What is it for?

Like the name tells, a transmission temperature gauge is a device made to read and relay to the driver the temperature readings inside the transmission unit. A temperature sensor attached inside the transmission constantly reads the temperature in the unit and that information is passed on to you via a gauge. The gauge is mounted on your dash where you can conveniently monitor it.

How is it installed?

Installing a transmission temperature gauge is not that complicated. However, you need to ensure that it's done by a specialist who understands the process well. Basically, installation involves drilling a small hole into the transmission unit and placing the sensor right where the fluid is exiting the transmission chamber. The sensor unit is connected to an electric relay wire that that connects it to the gauge that is then installed in the dash.

How to use it

Once installed, using a transmission temperature gauge is simple. All you have to do is to keep an eye on the readings from time to time or when applying a lot of power to your vehicle. The goal here is to ensure that you maintain your transmission unit at a temperature that is favourable. If the temperature readings start to go into the red, then you can let up on the RPMs and allow the unit to cool down. And if the temperatures stay high, then you can seek transmission services.

Advantages of a transmission temperature gauge

The advantages of a transmission temperature gauge include:

  • Knowing the temperature of your transmission unit at all times when driving.
  • Taking immediate action when your transmission starts to overheat.
  • Avoiding transmission overheat failure.
  • Avoiding costly transmission repairs and rebuilds brought about by overheating damage.
  • Enjoying the best performance from your transmission by simply maintaining the ideal temperature range when driving.

Talk to a transmission specialist for advice on the best transmission temperature gauges, their installation and how to use them. If used correctly, this little device can help you avoid overheating problems for good, much to the benefit of your transmission, your transportation needs and your pocket.


6 October 2016

Essential Auto Services for Long Journeys

Hi, my name is Katy, and I love to go on long road trips. However, I also know how scary it is to be stuck in the middle of nowhere when your car needs a repair. Because of that, I have figured out which repairs are essential before you go on a long journey. If you are planning a long journey, please explore these posts, tips and ideas. I hope they help you hone on which repairs or services your automobile needs before your next journey. In this blog, I cover everything from services to packing lists and more. Enjoy and thanks for reading!