All You Need to Know About Courtesy Cars


If you have taken your car for extensive repairs, you may have heard about courtesy cars. Most car owners do not understand how courtesy cars work. Below is an extract explaining how car service courtesy cars work and how to choose one. 

What Is a Courtesy Car? 

A courtesy car is a service extended to a car owner whose vehicle will spend several days or weeks in the garage. The vehicle allows you to continue with your day-to-day activities as you await car repairs. There are two ways to acquire a courtesy car. First, your comprehensive insurance cover could have an add-on that provides you with a courtesy car. Alternatively, some garages will offer premium customers a courtesy car as a way to encourage customer loyalty. 

Considerations When Taking a Courtesy Car

Supposing you qualify for a courtesy car, make the following considerations when taking the vehicle: 

1. Type Of Car. Read the terms of your insurance coverage to establish the type of vehicle you are entitled to. Reputable insurers recommend that you get the same class or model of the vehicle under repair. However, nothing should stop you from opting for a smaller car. However, you might incur a small charge if you wish to upgrade. 

Once you decide on a vehicle, inspect the vehicle to ensure it is mechanically sound. For instance, check the coolant and oil levels. Additionally, run the engine to assess issues such as worn-out belts, excessive smoking, and overheating. If the vehicle has an underlying problem, point it out to prevent disputes as you return the car. 

2. Terms Of Use. How can you use the courtesy car? In some cases, your insurer will provide the vehicle for a specific period. However, this should not be a cause for worry. If your vehicle is not repaired in time, write to the insurance company and prove that you need the car. For example, you could explain that you work far from home. If the courtesy car belongs to the garage, you could be required to pay a standard daily charge after the expiration of the grace period. Inquire where you can use the vehicle. It is especially so if you plan to visit another state. 

3. Insurance And Extra Charges. The courtesy car must have valid auto insurance coverage. Your insurer provides coverage if you are to blame for the accident. Suppose another driver caused the accident; their insurance coverage will cover the courtesy car. Check who bears responsibility for repairs and maintenance to ensure you know the extra costs of using the courtesy car. 


29 October 2021

Essential Auto Services for Long Journeys

Hi, my name is Katy, and I love to go on long road trips. However, I also know how scary it is to be stuck in the middle of nowhere when your car needs a repair. Because of that, I have figured out which repairs are essential before you go on a long journey. If you are planning a long journey, please explore these posts, tips and ideas. I hope they help you hone on which repairs or services your automobile needs before your next journey. In this blog, I cover everything from services to packing lists and more. Enjoy and thanks for reading!