
Steering Woes | 3 Check To Undertake When Your Power Steering Fails


Most modern cars are fully armed with power steering to ensure that you enjoy a smooth drive at all times. Over time, ignoring regular maintenance can cause your power steering to fail. This tough situation could compromise your safety, so make sure you undertake these necessary checks when your power steering fails. Check For Fall In Power Steering Fluid Level If you fail to check your power steering fluid levels regularly, then chances are that low levels have caused your entire system to fail.

18 May 2016

Steering and suspension | Troubleshooting your car's steering problems


The steering wheel gives you power over the vehicle. It's what assists you in dictating the direction your car should take, and this makes it a very important component of the vehicle. A lot takes place between your steering wheel and tyres, and the complex system that gives you all that control may sometimes experience a few hiccups. It's worth noting some of the most common complications with the steering wheel and what causes them.

4 May 2016

Know Your Car: Signs That Your Alternator Is Bad


The alternator is a vital component of your vehicle's charging system. It maintains the charge on your battery when the vehicle is moving. It's therefore important to have a functional alternator so that your car doesn't only run until your battery dies. Having a dead battery can be dangerous, especially if your car breaks down in an unsafe area. For this reason, here are warning signs that your alternator is faulty and requires repair or replacement.

3 March 2016

Truck Repairs: Understanding Cab Alignment


In many truck accidents, the cab of the truck is usually affected. The extent of the damage can range from a broken bumper to a crushed cab. The latter is almost guaranteed in cases of head-on collisions. In any truck accident where the cab needs considerable repairs, a realignment service is usually required. Read on to learn more. What is cab alignment? Most truck drivers understand chassis alignment. Cab alignment is almost the same, except the cab is the part being fitted in alignment to the rest of the truck.

5 February 2016

Different Procedures Carried Out On Your Vehicle During Servicing


Most people only consider their car as a way of getting from one point to another. You feel a glimmer of concern when it starts sounding off, and that is when you rush it to the auto mechanic. However, you should consider giving your car the best care that you can as this is technically an investment. To do this, it has to go for regular servicing. This is similar to you going for a physical exam at your general practitioners.

29 December 2015

Quick Questions to Ask Before Having Your Car Repaired After an Accident


After an accident, you want your car repaired as quickly as possible, but you also want to ensure that you pay for quality work that lasts. If you've never had to take your car in for repairs after a collision, you may not understand everything that is involved and may make assumptions about how to choose the right shop. Note a few quick questions to ask an auto repair shop and your insurance company so you know the job is done right and you're reimbursed properly.

24 November 2015

How to Prepare Your Vehicle for a Long Distance Journey


Whether you're driving across the country with friends, taking the family on a road trip, or simply have to cover a lot of miles for work, a long distance journey will place extra strain on your vehicle. Having a breakdown in the middle of nowhere will disrupt your plans and become extremely uncomfortable in a hurry, so make sure you prepare your vehicle. Make Sure You Have the Owner's Manual

11 November 2015

The Only 3 Reasons You Need To Get A Custom Muffler For Your Performance Car


The muffler is the part of the exhaust system responsible for regulating sound output. Mufflers determine how loud or quiet a vehicle is. When it comes to performance cars, 'quiet' does not appear in the dictionary. Instead, most performance cars are fitted with custom mufflers that give off loud roars on and off the track. If you own a performance car, this article breaks down the very reasons why custom mufflers are the way to go.

23 October 2015

Considerations When Selecting a Campervan


Choosing the right campervan for a trip can be difficult and exhausting. Whether you want to buy or hire a campervan, you need to commit some serious time in researching in order to avoid some common pitfalls in this type of vehicle. Aside from the size of the vehicle depending on the number of occupants, there are many other factors that should be put into consideration. These include the following.

17 August 2015

How to know when to replace your car radiator


Your car radiator does so much more than provide heat on cold days -- it's an essential part that keeps your vehicle functioning. The radiator prevents the engine becoming damaged by excessive heat. A fault in your radiator is a serious issue that could permanently damage the engine. Knowing when your radiator needs taking in for a repair, or when it's a job you can easily do at home, is key to a long-lasting car.

8 July 2015